
Zone Shipment standard free
Germany 5.99€ DHL standard (1-2 working days) €100
EU mainland €18.90 standard (3-8 days) €600
€49.00 Express (1-3 working days)

Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus.

There are no additional fees such as customs etc. within the EU.

UK, Switzerland, €25.00 standard (3-8 days) €500
€49.00 Express (1-2 business days)
Taiwan, Japan, Singapore €59.00 standard (14-30 days) €1,000
€119.00 Express (2-4 working days)
USA, Canada €59.00 standard (14-21 days) €1,000
Australia, New Zealand €79.00 standard (20-30 days) €1,200
Rest of World (Israel, South Korea, Hongkong, Macau, Malaysia) 69.00€ standard (10-30 days) €1,200


Shipping conditions outside the EU

There *MAY* be additional fees such as import duties. These charges may be collected by DHL or UPS prior to delivery to you. These charges are beyond our control and are the responsibility of the recipient.